Forel North America

The Forel North America headquarters was established in 2015 in Minneapolis (Minnesota) to offer a permanent point of reference to USA and Canadian glaziers.

The Branch

Forel North America has two offices, in St. Paul (Minnesota) and in Toronto (Canada), each one office has its own staff and spare parts warehouse, allowing a complete aftersales service.

Close to the glazier

The proximity to glazing manufacturers in North America area has increased the presence of the brand exponentially. Indeed, Forel has developed many original solutions starting from the needs of North American glaziers.

Our Machinery & Equipment


Horizontale VSG-Produktionsanlagen


Vertikale Bearbeitung von Glaskanten und vertikales Bohren und Fräsen

Vertikales Schneiden von Verbundglas & Glaslagerlösungen


*Erforderliche Felder